You might:

  • Use our artworks for your project without commercial purpose.
  • Discuss our artworks with other members.
  • Give some advices to us about the quality of papers, colors, layout, and contents to improve better.
  • And if you have any feedback or suggestions about the quality of our papers, colors, layout, or contents, we would love to hear from you.
  • You’re also welcome to use our artwork for personal projects, as long as they are not for commercial purposes

You might not:

  • You might not share the other artworks of artists, brands, or companies.
  • Violent content that may offend other members should also not be shared
  • Not acceptable to share completed artworks by other colorists without their permission or advertisement of our artworks via other groups, pages, or channels
  • Lastly, we should not offend or rate the artist’s ability, and instead provide constructive feedback that can help improve the quality of papers, colors, layout, and contents of the artwork 

We believe in creating a profound experience for everyone in our community: 

  • We welcome your private messages and suggestions to help us improve. In all conversations, we ask that you maintain a positive, respectful, and friendly attitude. 
  • Please report any posts that do not adhere to our community guidelines. It’s important to respect the privacy of other members and their completed artworks.
  • Remember, community is essential for both our mental and physical health, so let’s work together to create a welcoming and supportive community.